Are you one of those people who have been flooded with the urge to start meditating but have no clue where to start? Well, have no fear, because I’m going to share with you the easiest ways for a beginner to start meditating and actually……..ENJOY IT!
The Reality of Meditation
The reality of meditation is that it’s a practice……meaning in order to understand its benefits, you have to practice it daily. But human nature is as follows – “I’m only going to do it if I like it and see results instantly”. Now, when someone first begins the practice of meditation, they are most likely thinking the complete opposite of “I like this” and INSTEAD thinking, “How many more minutes left?, “Am I breathing right?”…etc. I was once there, but now I practice it everyday and have seen so many of its benefits in my everyday life. I am going to share with you 3 easy tips that are guaranteed to have you meditating and enjoying it!
3 EASY tips!
1. Guided Meditations
Guided meditations are gonna answer all of your beginner needs. They are the easiest way to get into meditation because they GUIDE you. The reason they are the best to start with is that they take away all the pressure that most beginners feel. Its the easiest way to start practicing
2. Stop Trying To Do It “Right”
Stop trying to do it the “right” way by finding the perfect spot, perfect time or perfect position. It truly doesn’t matter. The practice of meditation is more than the aesthetic you see on Instagram. When you first start meditation its easy to get lost in how you see others do it, but the beginning stages don’t matter. Just Start!
3. Just Start!
Stop procrastinating and start practicing! Even if you set a goal of 2 minutes a day for the first week, that’s fine. Getting your mind and body into the rhythm of breathwork for 2 minutes is a perfect step for beginners. Once you feel like you’ve mastered 2 minutes, move on to 5. Just START!